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Openpath Schedule and Registrations

February Vacation Open Path Hours

Monday - 2/17 - 6:00am - 3:00pm + 8:00pm-10:00pm

Tuesday - 2/18 - 12:00pm - 3:00pm + 8:00pm-10:00pm

Wednesday - 2/19 - 12:00pm - 3:00pm + 8:00pm-10:00pm

Thursday - 2/20 - 6:00am - 3:00pm + 8:00pm-10:00pm

Friday - 2/21 - 6:00am - 10:00pm

OpenPath Availability

Hawks that are registered for the GBG Northeast Program in 2024/2025 do not need to fill out the Open Path Registration this year as the registration was included in your Hawks registration.  This is for our Mansfield facility only.  Access DOES NOT include the training area at 508 Evo.  Use the small staircase on the side of the building with RBI on the door, for entrance.  Thank you!

December 2 - March 16  (February Vacation Hours are Different)

Mon-Thu: 6am-3pm + 9pm-10pm (MUST BE OUT BY 3pm)

Fri: 6am-10pm 

Sat/Sun:  8pm-10pm 

Any questions or issues with your account, please contact Misti Bumila at



  1. I understand that access to the facility will not be available at all times. 
  2. I understand that no member of the RBI/GBG staff will be present during the usage of the facility.
  3. I understand that athletes 15 and under MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian and they MUST be present at all times when utilizing the facility.
  4. I understand that access to the facility is ONLY for GBG Northeast Hawks and their parents/guardians.  No guests of any kind are allowed in the facility.  Bringing athletes outside of the GBG program or outside trainers/coaches/etc will result in immediate termination of access to the facility.
  5. I understand that my rights to the facility may be rescinded at any point for violating the rules and regulations of this agreement.  Access to the facility by utilizing the Open Path system is not included in the athlete's tuition and can be removed at any time. 
  6. I understand that I will leave the facility as I found it and not damage any equipment or any other elements of the facility.
  7. I will remove any trash I bring into the facility
  8. I will ensure the door is locked behind me as I leave the facility
  9. I will ensure the lights are turned off prior to departing the facility
  10. I understand that "open" hours for GBG athletes may vary by season and are not guaranteed.
  11. I understand that there is no scheduling for the facility during open hours and if multiple families are utilizing the facility at the same time, that I will work with the other GBG families to share the space. 
  12. I understand that in the event of an emergency, I will call 911 and provide them with the address of 458 Chauncy St, Mansfield, MA.  This address will be posted on the rules and regulations within the facility as well.
  13. I understand that I will be on video and recorded by security cameras at all times. 
  14. I understand that RBI may discontinue usage of this system for all at any time. 

For our GBG Alumni as well as approved and invited Open enrollment athletes, please use the link below to register as well as fill out the waivers and forms.